Is Now:
Nick LaMantia
The ACT / SAT Experts
1 to 1 Online Tutoring
We also specialize in high school academics and college essays
Nick LaMantia
Nick has tutored professionally for 15 years, amassing over 14,000 hours of 1 to 1 experience. He's authored two ACT prep guides used by students across the country. Additionally, Nick tutors classes ranging from calculus to college level writing.
Pete Pecoraro
Following a career in teaching and operations management, Pete has tutored professionally for 10 years. Pete specializes in ACT / SAT, but his knowledge extends from US history to pop culture. He always keeps his students relaxed, motivated, and entertained.
Why Work With Nick and Pete?
For a comparable price to chain tutoring, students receive instruction from professional tutors who are immersed in the latest ACT / SAT material and have years-long records of success.
How Does Online Tutoring Work?
We use Zoom or Google Meets for face-to-face meetings complete with a shared online whiteboard and document sharing. The online format fosters a 'conversation' instead of a lecture. Students can't just show up and go through the motions; they are active participants in each session.
What are your Rates and how do I Schedule?
I Have Additional Questions!
We are always happy to chat!
Phone: 224-688-0606 (we also can receive texts)